Expert rebuild and exchange service
Turbo Controller Services
Expert sciex turbo and controller repair with expedited exchanges available

SCIEX Controller Repairs
Professional component level repair facility with highest quality components. specialize in the SCIEX Agilent V401/301 and SCIEX Agilent V801 Turbo controllers. 1 year warranty on all repairs with fast 3-5 business day turnaround.
SCIEX Controller Exchange
We maintain an inventory of sciex specific turbo pumps available for immediate exchange.

SCIEX Turbo Pump Services
Expert sciex turbo and controller rebuilding with expedited exchanges

Turbomolecular pump rebuilds for your SCIEX instruments
We are a direct rebuilding service provider. All rebuilds are done in house and balanced to precise specifications for longest lifespan. Turbos should be seen not heard!
SCIEX pump exchange program
We maintain an inventory of sciex specific turbo pumps available for immediate exchange.

Turbo controller service
Phone: (510) 553-9132
Turbo pump service
Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm
Sat: closed
Sun: Closed