Mains voltage, with selector switch 100/120/220/240 V,+10%/-15% Mains frequency 50/60 Hz Power consumption including all connected units < 1,000 VA Power consumption of the TURBOVAC < 400 VA Rated speed of the TURBOVAC 43,860 / 51,600 min-1 Minimum speed of the TURBOVAC 6,000 min-1 Power output (motor) Nominal voltage 50 V Current limitation 7 A Power output for the magnetic bearing Nominal voltage ± 16 V Current limitation ± 7 A Control Inputs - digital, floating Each terminal 25 V eff AC max., 60 VDC versus protective conductor LEYBOTRONIK I compatible High level; between “+” and “-” terminal 13 V...33 V/max. 10 mA Low level; between “+” and “-” terminal 0 V...7 V Pulse duration (for remote control active “START” pump, “STOP” pump, heater On/Off) > 200 ms Target speed analog input, not isolated Setting range 0...10 V Rated speed 0 V Minimum speed 10 V Control Outputs Relay 25 V eff AC, 60 VDC, 2 A/60 W/125 VA for normal operation operating contact for acceleration operating contact for failure resting contact, switchable to operating contact Analog voltage (selectionable speed or motor current proportional) 0...10 V Loadable max. 5 mA Standstill, no current corresponds to 0 V Rated speed, max. current corresponds to 10 V Reference voltage (not isolated for speed potentiometer and remote control inputs) 15 V, max. 20 mA Forevacuum pump “FOREPUMP” Relay point 6 A, 750 VA, 250 V Weight approx. 7 kg .